The Quarrel

If there were a monument   
to silence, it would not be   
the tree whose leaves   
murmur continuously   
among themselves;   

nor would it be the pond   
whose seeming stillness   
is shattered   
by the quicksilver   
surfacing of fish.   

If there were a monument   
to silence, it would be you   
standing so upright, so unforgiving,   
your mute back deflecting   
every word I say.

Copyright Credit: Poem copyright © 2007 by Linda Pastan, whose most recent book of poetry is “Queen of a Rainy Country,” W. W. Norton & Co., 2006 . Reprinted from “Solo Café 2: Oppression & Forgiveness,” Vol. 2, Solo Press, 2007, by permission of Linda Pastan.
Source: 2007