Brief reflection on an old woman with a barrow

Given an old woman and given a barrow.
I.e. the system old woman O and barrow B.

The system is moving from the paved yard Y to the corner C,
    from the corner C to the Stone S, from the stone S
    to the forest F, from the forest F to the horizon H.

The horizon H is the point where vision ends
    and memory begins.

Nevertheless the system is moving
    at a constant velocity v,
    along a constant path,
    through a constant destiny,
renewing its impulse and its meaning
    from within itself.

A relatively independent system:
in landscapes from horizon to horizon
always just one old woman with a barrow.

And thus we have, once and for all,
    that geodetic unit, the
    unit of travel there and back, the
    unit of autumn, the
    unit Our daily bread, the
    unit of wind and lowering sky, the
    unit of the distance home, the
    unit As we forgive them, the
    unit of nightfall, the
    unit of footsteps and dust, the
    unit of life-fulfillment Amen.

Copyright Credit: Miroslav Holub, “Brief reflection on an old woman with a barrow” from Poems Before & After.  Reprinted with the permission of Bloodaxe Books Ltd.,
Source: Poems Before and After (Bloodaxe Books, 2006)