Perfect Pitch

"F. . . the oven is an F"
Samantha Foggle, age 3

Oh, to hear the world with such clarity.
Such surety. To know the note
of your breakfast chat is B-flat minor.
That the ’57 Chevy stalled outside the
garage is a D. To recognize the Apricot
kitchen paint for what it is: F-sharp.
To understand the way you feel for him is G,
definitely a G. And as you watch him
descend the scale of the front steps to his car
for work, the house quiets to an A.
The arpeggio of last night’s Every
Good Boy Deserves Favor
still ringing in your ears.

Copyright Credit: Peter Pereira, "Perfect Pitch" from What's Written on the Body (Copper Canyon Press, 2007).
Source: What's Written on the Body (Copper Canyon Press, 2007)