
In the sixth grade I was chased home by
the Gatlin kids, three skinny sisters
in rolled-down bobby socks. Hissing
Brainiac! and Mrs. Stringbean!, they trod my heel.
I knew my body was no big deal
but never thought to retort: who's
calling who skinny? (Besides, I knew
they'd beat me up.) I survived
their shoves across the schoolyard
because my five-foot-zero mother drove up
in her Caddie to shake them down to size.
Nothing could get me into that car.
I took the long way home, swore
I'd show them all: I would grow up.

Copyright Credit: Rita Dove, "Primer" from Mother Love. Copyright © 1995 by Rita Dove.  Used by permission of the author and W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
Source: Mother Love (W. W. Norton and Company, Inc., 1995)