$$$Expensive Magic$$$

            I stumble down        around torn peaks
                          “Fit the right suit
                                                      to trick them all.”
                                         the questions fall
                                   around allure. Poems floated
                           from the hearth
                                 out the mouth. I am wound up, bored
we are only strangers on our way
the hotel                turned slender to mind
                now written out (sloppy)
                                                to music
                dark brown wood
                                 gold mirrors
                                 The drinking songs from upper stories
drag us to sleep                 a bend in the basement wall
                              scorched. pulling on clean clothes
                  I let myself out
                                                              walk up
                                        to a far off hill
                                                             smoke on top
“The orchestra of the
                           immense magnified
       inner life
                   is now prodigious.”
the strings sound down
             make the surface of a mirror
                                                    & hang the head
                           my forbidden past

                                        Rose & Silk
           the wine is young
                                  The brooks still hum
                                                               with melted snow

Copyright Credit: Cedar Sigo, “$$$Expensive Magic$$$” from Expensive Magic, published by House Press. Copyright © 2008 by Cedar Sigo. Reprinted by permission of the author.
Source: Expensive Magic (2008)