Guitar Player

Where do you want my heart now?

Placed next to yours
on your pale skin
so that I will fall
in love with your sweaty pain

I have heard
your bones crack the dry cement
that leafed the frenzied spirit within

I witnessed its wildness escape into your body
screaming kissy words
while your fingers plucked at my guitar

your eyes were Koyoti’s & Ska-la-la’s
trying to rip a path to my soul

& I froze there in my manly state
knowing there’s nothing that I can do

Copyright Credit: Garry Gottfriedson, “Guitar Player” from Whiskey Bullets. Copyright © 2006 by Garry Gottfriedson. Reprinted by permission of Ronsdale Press.
Source: Whiskey Bullets (Ronsdale Press, 2006)