Book Three: 19

Drawn in outer space
                            on a ceiling of night,
                                                        a hinged balance held true.
That balance
                            —its mechanisms
                                                        worked into the unknown—
                            in the star systems
                                                        which turn in union
without history
                            as we know it
                                                        on this planet.
I recognize it
                            to the East
                                                        said I to the West,
not made,
                            not given,
                                                        over the world.
Devoted observers,
                            it seems to me
                                                        a just structure.
John 1:5
                            And my search
                                                        for peace underground
now come to an end
                            —constraints accepted
                                                        in spirit as well as in letter,
the line spent,
                            the theatres in abandon—
                                                        I viewed the balances
more clearly than ever before.

Copyright Credit: Srikanth Reddy, “Book Three: 19” from Voyager. Copyright © 2011 by Srikanth Reddy. Reprinted by permission of University of California Press.
Source: Voyager (University of California Press, 2011)