Dodging 1985
The user interface has the following format. Upon accessing the URL,
the user sees a welcome message with some explanation of the service
provided. The user is prompted to enter his or her name, date of birth,
When everything else fails, try something new. and email address,
For instance, try the central mental hospital, then to left click on the
sit back and mumble enjoying the belle vue submit button. Based on
until the nurse has counted you all. this information, the CGI script
Our group files in fresh from the courtyard walk, generates “on the
a pageant of male flesh in ugly dress. fly” an appropriate horoscope
There’s bundles of excitement but little talk. reading for the end user,
The chess-players are breaking out their chess. or displays the logs
No one to mention the Afghan War. The state, and user Statistics if
crumbling, buys me my sparse and forkless lunch. the current user is
This latest novel fails to kill my worries, the site admin. Parse CGI
The Plexiglas window withstands a teenage a punch. variables (or
God, I must prove completely nuts, by fate lookup logged record) to
unfit for active military service. obtain user’s birthday. Parse user’s
stats, verify and save to log file. Compute user’s Zodiac sign based on
birth date. Print personalized greeting. Generate a horoscope reading and
send it to user’s browser} else if (user == administrator) {compute stats.