Two Hear Cicadas

BEEF: We are here between trees,
with the tempo of a rosary being strung
in a queue of escalating beads—

BEEF: It's not quite the count in
the countinghouse of my chest
but the heart does make an awful attempt

BEEF: a tee and a circle wherever it may
be there was music coming on

BEEF: which though machinery-like
moves not in cogs, and never
springs, but waves through

BEEF: like wired applause for antic backstage
buds on the pre-comeuppance buzz; but it

BEEF: but only after the chorus has pulsed

BEEF: it drops off with sudden decision, like fountain
water gone dross

BEEF: or it reaches the furthest point
the branch turns from us, and is for some arc
fully quiet...

BEEF: until the roulette snaps its jaw and the choir's
circuit opens to one

BEEF: like a pigeon unhinged, its wings in sudden
white-rumped ascent

BEEF: unopposed by iridescence

BEEF: unopposed by iridescence

Copyright Credit: Farnoosh Fathi, "Two Hear Cicadas" from Great Guns. Copyright © 2013 by Farnoosh Fathi.  Reprinted by permission of Canarium Books.
Source: Great Guns (Canarium Books, 2013)