I'm used to the emperor's bitterness
I can't find the sweet place unless you make me

This face that is not my face I may
look made but when you touch me you make me

Make the oak say blossom The stripped say swell
The avenue pavement say river Make me

This shirt I can't take off The one
the nights without you gathered to make me

The new day The sweet place Tomorrow
whispering from tonight's last light Make me

Kissing you without authorization
If you want me to stop you'll have to make me

The ruined city Or is it a woman
interrupting your sleep to say Now To say Make me

Copyright Credit: Suzanne Gardinier, "66" from Today: 101 Ghazals. Copyright © 2008 by Suzanne Gardinier.  Reprinted by permission of The Sheep Meadow Press.
Source: Today: 101 Ghazals (The Sheep Meadow Press, 2008)