The First Circle


   the flat end of sorrow here
two crows fighting over New Year's Party
leftovers. From my cell, I see a cold
                hard world.


So this is the abscess that
        hurts the nation—
        jails, torture, blood
                and hunger.
     One day it will burst;
                it must burst.


When I heard you were taken
we speculated, those of us at large
where you would be
in what nightmare will you star?
That night I heard the moans
wondering whose child could now
be lost in the cellars of oppression.
Then you emerged, tall, and bloody-eyed.

It was the first time
                I wept.


         The long nights I dread most
         the voices from behind the bars
      the early glow of dawn before
the guard's steps wake me up,
the desire to leap and stretch
and yawn in anticipation
of another dark home-coming day
only to find that
        I cannot.
    riding the car into town,
hemmed in between them
     their guns poking me in the ribs,
     I never had known that my people
     wore such sad faces, so sad
    they were, on New Year's Eve,
so very sad.

Copyright Credit: Kofi Awoonor, "The First Circle" from The Promise of Hope: New and Selected Poems, 1964-2013. Copyright © 2014 by Kofi Awoonor.  Reprinted by permission of University of Nebraska Press.
Source: The Promise of Hope: New and Selected Poems, 1964-2013 (University of Nebraska Press, 2014)