Poem [“Khrushchev is coming on the right day!”]

Krushchev is coming on the right day!
                                                                      the cool graced light
is pushed off the enormous glass piers by hard wind
and everything is tossing, hurrying on up
                                                                             this country
has everything but politesse, a Puerto Rican cab driver says
and five different girls I see
                                                   look like Piedie Gimbel
with her blonde hair tossing too,
                                                           as she looked when I pushed
her little daughter on the swing on the lawn it was also windy

last night we went to a movie and came out,
                                                                                Ionesco is greater
than Beckett, Vincent said, that's what I think, blueberry blintzes
and Khrushcev was probably being carped at
                                                                         in Washington, no
Vincent tells me about his mother's trip to Sweden
                                                                                                Hans tells us
about his father's life in Sweden, it sounds like Grace Hartigan's
painting Sweden
                              so I go home to bed and names drift through my
Purgatorio Merchado, Gerhard Schwartz and Gaspar Gonzales,
               all unknown figures of the early morning as I go to work

where does the evil of the year go
                                                            when September takes New York
and turns it into ozone stalagmites
                                                             deposits of light
                                                             so I get back up
make coffee, and read François Villon, his life, so dark
         New York seems blinding and my tie is blowing up the street
I wish it would blow off
                                        though it is cold and somewhat warms
                                                                                                     my neck
as the train bears Krushchev on to Pennsylvania Station
         and the light seems to be eternal
         and joy seems to be inexorable
         I am foolish enough always to find it in wind

Copyright Credit: Frank O'Hara, “Poem [Krushchev is coming on the right day!]” from Lunch Poems. Copyright © 1964 by Frank O'Hara. Reprinted by permission of City Lights Books.
Source: Lunch Poems (City Lights Books, 2014)