Only This Life

only you are allowed to enter
                                              voice for the first time
                             the look   hesitant   undemanding

            body supple as sound
    the hand   unexpected   a fruit falling

                           skin curves of sand
                                                  lull below the arms
                   scent of the ocean's salt

                              the body pushed into life's mouth

                                          velvet crunch
                  of white under feet   my heart

                                       snowy lizards' tails
   sleeping on branches
                                                      arms rhyme
                                           with bending earth

                                                       a shadow slants
                              like a calligrapher's quill


                                            pass the threshold


                                  a genus of the solitary
                                                                 the knitted
                       night       stained-glass boxes
                                             where memories ferment
                                             unplanned   you come


         saguaros crack      monsoons

                                                        consider erosion of rocks

   water's fire    lit

                  worlds intersect           dusk     purity of ascent

ferocious nose of a cat
                                              incandescent          through forces

                            stay up waiting

                                                     planes converge        fates intersect


                           how long does a measure last?


     sea in the sky
                                   striking obliquely           army of light
                                                                        beating walls
                                            the aquamarine houses are ghosts
                                                                                                 between crystal trees
                                water steals over skewed floors

only this life


                                  a cat sleeps one eye opened


Copyright Credit: Mong-Lan, "Only This Life" from Why is the Edge Always Windy?. Copyright © 2005 by Mong-Lan. Reprinted by permission of Tupelo Press.
Source: Why is the Edge Always Windy? (Tupelo Press, 2005)