Baci Baci Baci

A garden
late spring, honeysuckle and lazy birds
heavy with the round scent
of tuberoses and jungle gardenia.

There is a man
in boots that make his thighs
look lethal   with a whip
no spurs
medieval sorrow in his eyes
or around the mouth, maybe.
He is dangerous
in this place he has
the fertility of steel.

There is a woman
in a vine green habit   her
veins are purple, her blue
eyes. She is blonde
though sometimes brunette:
     “My horse is lamed
       I was riding, I...”

And — still in the heavy air
they push each other down
like dogs with fleas
under the bushes, in them.

The camera pans to the nearest tree
the cat approaches like a panther.
She is also in boots
like an empress
who loves horses.
The man puts on spurs:
there is combat
     his knightly despair
     her deathly power.

The witch burns, finally —
the lamed horse returns.

                      Love you,

Copyright Credit: Rachel Sherwood, "Baci Baci Baci" from Mysteries of Afternoon and Evening. Copyright © 1981 by David Trinidad. Reprinted by permission of David Trinidad.
Source: Mysteries of Afternoon and Evening (Sherwood Press/Yarmouth Press, 1981)