
—for Fleda

It seems so different   art that moves me now
From the sort of art I longed for long ago
Soaring   Vatic   Agon

I waited yesterday on the unsure shoulder
Of a drenched back road    From my car I could behold
Our highway agent Gordon

Fill a rut with a spade  climb up on his grader
And smooth things smooth as the top of a kitchen table
There were frost heaves by the score

And culverts clotted shut by April floods
So it was brilliant    what Gordon did with mud
On Wallace Hill      Pure mire

Out there   The road goes narrow as a needle
On which   you might wonder   could dance how many angels
I don't care   I didn't

No earthly need to summon spirits   daemons
No sign of them at all    Nor would I dream one
I might have once but wouldn't

Nor gyre nor golem    Nor great Leviathan
Nor djinn     Nor fiend    Nor signifying wind
Nor Elementargeist

That lingering in that lane might make me conjure
I had to get somewhere and fetch my daughter
To bring her home     Sweet Christ

She might be standing in that mix of sleet
And ugly rain    which called for Gordon's art
I'm trying to be a grownup

Better late than never    I suppose
Or am I only jaded      I don't know
It was as though I'd shown up

Just to see him wield his spade and blade out there
It kept me from surmising some furor
divinis    Why should I bother

Now that I moved on    thanks be to Gordon
Who signaled with his thumb for me to pass him
He pulled the grader over

Yes give me something useful here   I said
Impromptu        In my car it sounded odd
To say it now sounds different

I hope that Gordon watched me yesterday
As I signaled back    I'd never have made my way
Without a skillful agent

I hope he saw me wave

Copyright Credit: Sydney Lea, "Art" from I Was Thinking of Beauty. Copyright © 2013 by Sydney Lea. Reprinted by permission of Four Way Books.
Source: I Was Thinking of Beauty (Four Way Books, 2013)