Ark in the Field

One morning you open

one eye and listing to the south
it bulks like a barn,

noiseless, derelict

planks horizontal and deeply grooved.
A rudder the size of your front door

pivots as you push. Once

inside you can smell
the fear of every winged,

creeping and four-legged thing:

no water, no straw,
just shadow and bare wood.

Where is the one promised

to wake beside you forever?
Ox-eyed daisies, goldenrod, clover—

why are you breathing

among them, why don't you gather
the outcast beasts or become one...

Copyright Credit: Joyce Peseroff, "Ark in the Field" from Eastern Mountain Time. Copyright © 2006 by Joyce Peseroff.  Reprinted by permission of Carnegie Mellon University Press.
Source: Eastern Mountain Time (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2006)