Bilingual Christmas

Buenos dias and hasta lue$o in boardrooms and strategy sessions, Where are your grateful holiday smiles bilinguals? I've given you a voice, let you in
to hear old friends tell old jokes,
Stop flinching, Drink eggnog, Hum alon,
Not carols we hear
children too cold
to sing
on Christmas eve,
Do you see what I see
adding a dash of color
to conferences and corporate parties
one per panel or office
slight south-of-the-border seasoning
feliz wviiad and prospero ano nuevo, right?
Relax, Eat rum balls, Watch the snow,
Not twinkling lights we see but searchlights seeking illegal aliens outside our thick windows.

Copyright Credit: Pat Mora "Bilingual Christmas" from Borders. Reprinted by permission of Arte Público being reprinted with permission from the publisher (@1986 Arte Publco Press- University of Houston)
Source: Borders