the new rumbón

congas          congas             congas
congas          congas             congas

desperate hands need a fix from
the healthy skin of the congas
congas the biggest threat to heroin
congas make junkies hands healthier

las venas se curan ligero
con las congas conguito congas
congueros salsa de guarapo
melao azucarero

congas on summer months
take the place of the winter
fire that the wino congregation
seeks, the fire . . .

que calienta los tecatos muertos de
frío en el seno de un verano

congas gather around

con un rumboncito caliente . . .
y ahí vienen los morenos
a gozar con sus flautas y su soul jazz

congas           congas
tecata's milk gets warmed
broken veins leave misery
hypodermic needles melt
from the voodoo curse
of the conga madness

the congas clean the gasses
in the air, the congas burn out
everything not natural to our people

congas strong cuchifrito juice
giving air condition to faces
unmolested by the winds and the
hot jungles of loisaida streets
chévere, rumbones, me afectó
me afectó, me afectó, me afectó

chévere     rumbones     me afectó

Copyright Credit: Tato Laviera, "the new rumbón" from Benedición: The Complete Poetry of Tato Laviera. Reprinted by permission of Arte Público being reprinted with permission from the publisher (@1990 Arte Publco Press- University of Houston)
Source: Benedición: The Complete Poetry of Tato Laviera (Arte Público Press, 2014)