Jubilate Orfeo Se Intorno Eurydice

zookeeper killed by wolves in Sweden
beside the beach you take me to watch baby seal pups
it's your birthday, Coyo B, maligayang bati
sleep comes over me
make it through gongyo it's noon
lean into salvation innocence
nude turquoise pause blank space
your subject head cinnamon rule narration suture
destiny book hostile shelf
you've reached a quarter century as is the case of parables
your verdant hand recede
lore as bridge barter abandon
lore secure senility triumphant
why Ill message you somewhere transcribe Vril stanza
appear in adjacent room pause blank haste divine
not on your birthday, Coyo B! I want you happy
sorry to vanish
why sing a solid identity sauna clamp
HOY! your foot on the gas pedal of my Honda
too demure to speak
enter dialect ocean seismic Port Said
it's probably too late to catch up
I mean a head of violent arctic squeamish
despair nonesuch appraise no way somatic atlas
or that beach we gaze at submerging pandas
in cold cold ocean
I leave you
where cold can't recover itself
outer engine portal corridor
HOY! COYO B! establish announcement
nerve of Rome counter Adonaïs imaginarium
lead ulcer a dull terrain
today you appear in adjacent room, viceroy finger in place
marvelous period pause blank spate
much to relate about our visit north of intention
tell me, love, pondering the leaves


Copyright Credit: Paolo Javier, "Jubilate Orfeo Se Intorno Eurydice" from Court of the Dragon. Copyright © 2015 by Paolo Javier.  Reprinted by permission of Nightboat Books.
Source: Court of the Dragon (Nightboat Books, 2015)