Katie Kissed Me

Katie kissed me!
Yuck, it's true!
My face took on a greenish hue!
My knees, like jelly, started shaking!
Then my stomach started quaking!
Slobber slithered down my cheek!
My consciousness was growing weak!
My ears were ringing, my head was spinning!
But, all the while Kate was grinning!
My heart was pounding through my shirt!
My tongue felt like I just ate dirt!
Though you may think I've lost my brain!
I wished she'd kiss me once again!

Copyright Credit: Christine Lynn Mahoney, "Katie Kissed Me" from Kids Pick the Funniest Poems. Copyright © 1991 by Christine Lynn Mahoney. Reprinted by permission of Meadowbrook Press.
Source: Kids Pick the Funniest Poems (Meadowbrook Press, 1991)