He Laughed with a Laugh

He laughed with a laugh
that he wished was his laugh,
but everyone knew it wasn’t.
When he laughed he would ask,
"Does that sound like my laugh?"
and everyone said, "It doesn’t."
The laugh that he laughed
that wasn’t his laugh went
"Hardy har har, guffaw!"

The laugh that he laughed
that he wished wasn’t his went,
"Hruck, sniffle-hick, hee-haw!"

Copyright Credit: JonArno Lawson, "He Laughed with a Laugh" from Black Stars in a White Night Sky. Copyright © 2008 by JonArno Lawson.  Reprinted by permission of Highlights for Children/Boyds Mills Press.
Source: Black Stars in a White Night Sky (Wordsong, 2006)