
      In dogma
is the secret that renders God unconditioned,
on one condition.
“If you are not My people,
I am not your God.”
As fashioned by His people's witness,
a made thing,
condemns the made things graven
images are. Inscribed as born
wittingly of Himself,
God is
(so to speak)
that Father
abler than the most sovereign
earthly father to make
all things good.
God the Father is conceived as
for us.
He covenants our living on.
“Written in
continuance” in His Book
before they took form
were the parts of our fitful bodies.
As if what's
given with the world is
life only,
and not
(along with it,
in time) at last, life's needful withdrawal,
God's said to let the truthful
keep their lives forever if they swear God
does what He says.
These are the portions: either
I'll outlast death
or it me.
Little matter which
if it's the avowed
God I'm given up to.
That I'm settled in the finite is what's true instead.
Living is a good I don't want stopped
even for the saved.
I'm beholden to it all the way that,
in its one chance each with me and others,
death hasn't used itself
up yet. Mine affords me another day
hours before it's light. Along with the caused
things outside that I can't see, I'm here
ahead of myself again
toward that coupling with the ground
when “I am poured out like water.”
Death's still to be heard from at its least reserved.
Under its breath it primes me to pay up and look pleasant.

Copyright Credit: James McMichael, "Hidden " from If You Can Tell. Copyright © 2016 by James McMichael. Reprinted by permission of Farrar, Straus and Giroux. http://us.macmillian.com/fsg
Source: If You Can Tell (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2016)