Hydrangea Agenda

Ladies Garden in Progress
The American Visitors
The New American Word
The Beauty of Publicity
Mother’s Mop Head
Ring spots
Sway Me
Yes, Ma’am
Yes, Ma’am
Sway Me
Father, nice to see you
Major, it’s been a hell of a ride
General M & General H
Mother’s Mop Head
I see ring spots
That’s a good sight for my old eyes
Yes, Ma’am
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
So Sway Me
Sway Me
Oh Sway Me
1. Parade of the Japanese Colonial Government’s Monitors
2. Parade of the First Republic’s ROK Monitors
3. Parade of the DPRK Communist Monitors
4. Parade of the Joint ROK-UN Forces Monitors
Yes, Ma’am
Did I tell you I saw corpses piled up inside the well in Pyongyang?
Did I tell you I helped the Communist Monitor who was also a Colonial Monitor, ROK
Monitor, then later an ROK-UN Monitor drag the corpse
of his brother?
Monitor=For Life!
General=For Life!
President=For Life!
However, I see buttons and ring spots
Father, Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Major, snap out of it. It’s August 15, 1948
He’s smiling at me
Fun Hydrangeas
Gossamer=Blouse and Yankee=Blouse
Warmly greeted one another
I see Ugly=Translators
Yes, Ma’am

Copyright Credit: Don Mee Choi, "Hydrangea Agenda" from Hardly War.  Copyright © 2016 by Don Mee Choi.  Reprinted by permission of the author and Wave Books.
Source: Hardly War (Wave Books, 2016)