The River on Our Face

With el río grande~bravo
                 in our face
This river
                 at its mouth
                 at its source
With you at its source
                 its sources
With you at the snow
                 the evergreens
The million earth holes
                 of water emerging
Snakes, Gloria Anzaldúa's
With this river
                 on our face

Neon green anole
                 swells its throat
El río bravo~
                 grande on its face
Ocelots hunt
                 under six
                 foot shrub
With the drive
                 of the Continental Divide
                 with the pull
                 of tributaries
                 in their limbs
                 whining in the shade
                 in their timbals
Females laying eggs
                 in branches
The young border patrol officer
                 flashes sirens daily
                 lifts his gun
                 with the river
                 on his face

Upriver, Chihuahua
                 desert ancestors'
                 adobe bricks stand up
                 crumble down
With el río grande~bravo
                 on our face

You said you loved
                 the river
                 on my face
You said headwaters
                 the source
                 el río grande
                 rises from its source
                 saw the lines around
                 our mouths
                 saw adobe-brick lines

Monsoon season
                 granizo pelting
                 the facades

                 at its source
                 in my mouth
                 adobe mud
                 bricks in my mouth
                 the earth
                 holes, the sources
                 the snow
                 Río Conchos de México
                 Cueva de la Olla
                 at our face
Tidal confluences
                 in our face

Some crossed
                 with nuns during la
el río bravo~grande
                 on their face

                 die detained
                 with tributaries
                 of many rivers on their face

In Ciudad Juárez, a mother hoped
                 her missing daughter
                 married a rich American
                 with the river far away

Constant helicopters finding heat
                 with the river as the source

To the west, crossers lift the tortilla
Walk deserts without water
                 on their face

Guanajuato ancestors crossed through Cali
                 with mirages
                 in their face

I shower daily
with el valle
river water on my face
Thank you and kiss you daily

Julia de Burgos
with el Río Grande de Loíza
Puerto Rico in your face

I can now speak of hurricanes
and being a dog at someone's feet

I remember El Paso's Inca doves
                 burrowing owls in the morning
                 barn owls in El Valle's cemeteries
                 great horned owl and mockingbirds
                 Harris hawks and pauraques
vecinos carrying signs
                 two communities
                 "¡No al muro!"
"¡Segundo Barrio no se vende!"
                 with the river on their face

A daughter and mother want their ashes
                 at Boca Chica
                 the river's mouth
                 the end, the start
                 another source
                 crabs collapsing
                 into bullets bursting out of holes
                 carrizo, bugambilia
                 seeds      petals      paper
                 the mouth
                 the eddies
                 the tributaries
                 the flow
                 Río Conchos de México
                 the snow
                 the pelts
                 the sources

The confluence
of people and god
                 ribbon snakes in Roma
                 pigs and piglets jumping
                 from banks
with the river on their face
                 You can hear roosters
                       crowing across
                             the water in Miguel Alemán

                 disturb unsettled graves
with the river in our face

You said you don't want archaic chains
                 lowering you loudly with obvious labor six feet in
You want to hear the cool chachalacas
                 with the river on their legs
                             from ébano to ébano
                 el chalán
                 the ropes
                 the pull
                 over green
                 blue sky
                 to Díaz Ordaz

I want to hear parrots
                 sabal palms
                 try again
With the river on our face
                 I want no medicine
                 no ambition
                 with the river in my face
I used to love you
                 with the river in my face
I still love you
                 when the river's on my face
I made a foot-deep grave
                 with the river on my face
I loved other rivers
                 with el río grande~bravo on my face

I want to oxbow lake

                 in this place where children still speak and lose
                                  multiple tongues
                 in this place where we still lose and grow
                                  forked tongues
                 this place where white herons hunt and drink in the resacas
                 this place with el río grande~bravo
                                  in its pipes
                                  in its lungs
                                  in our face

Copyright Credit: Emmy Pérez, "The River on Our Face" from With the River on Our Face. Copyright © 2016 by Emmy Pérez.  Reprinted by permission of University of Arizona Press.
Source: With the River on Our Face (University of Arizona Press, 2016)