Lucky Day Still

Lucky day still spent wrestling the private problems
and obsessions encountered first in your youth
but played out now within the spectacle of public aging
(tho, strangely, as you age you feel less & less seen
by the young, a citizen active in frequencies of light waves
increasingly invisible—not even boring to 15-year-olds).
Of course, some problems you once had really have
vanished—you can sense that as your daughter lays out
the tactics crucial to "pre-gaming," her teen friends
setting out to get toasted or stoned before house parties,
parties at which they've been warned not to drug or drink—
no longer a worry for you (except as relates, of course,
to your daughter)—you can drink & drug somewhat
"it would seem" to your heart's content. Not your style,
you say? Not any longer? Still, the urge to lift or get
lifted from self-conscious woes hasn't gone away totally,
has it? Wanting to be free of your self has always
been a mission big in your church—evangelically so!
You got in a way (the wrong way) your wish—
your skin certainly got looser on you—baggy, rounder,
wrinkled—prescriptions for departure—the rigging's
untuned, & no milk bath full of rose hips can compensate
(so your friend likes to say), no fish oil omega-3
in gel capsules manufactured by entrepreneurial ex-hippies
no wifely fruit smoothies or mod boots will cure
jowls now or allow for glamour without the costume.

Copyright Credit: David Rivard, "Lucky Day Still" from Standoff. Copyright © 2016 by David Rivard.  Reprinted by permission of Graywolf Press,
Source: Standoff (Graywolf Press, 2016)