The Farm-Labor Camp Is Just Down The Road

Not coop so much as aviary. The way
everyone thinks
the youngest two are twins
despite their differences.
This memory of a blue dress
the tall man called a cool drink of water.

A carpet burning
the skin right off my back. What I needed
to say versus what I was able
—the way you can't see
an image in sunlight
unless it's matte.

Could you drink pee if there were nothing
else? The oldest constructs
a world to inhabit if he had to.
He has to. Immaculate as snow
a season away. I wasn't honest,
so it haunts me.

Copyright Credit: Katrina Roberts, "The Farm-Labor Camp Is Just Down The Road" from Underdog. Copyright © 2011 by University of Washington Press.  Reprinted by permission of University of Washington Press.
Source: Underdog (University of Washington Press, 2011)