Archive Frequently Asked Questions


The Poetry Foundation online archive is one of the world’s largest online English-language poetry resources. The archive serves as a free database of more than 47,000 poems, 6,300 author biographies, the catalogue of Poetry magazine since 1912, hundreds of articles and educational resources, audio and video, and more. Poems are available for free for you to read, discuss, and share with friends. Please note we do not hold the rights to these poems and cannot offer licenses for commercial use.


The Poetry Foundation archive is curated and developed collaboratively by our team of writers and editors in consideration of your needs as a reader. If you would like to suggest content for the archive, please find more information below based on the content type. For original content submissions, please see the Poetry magazine FAQ.

For Authors

Need More Help? Other FAQ

Here are links to other FAQ at the Poetry Foundation to help answer any remaining questions. If you are unable to find the answer to your question here, please contact us.