Poetry News

Colombian Poet Angye Gaona Seeks Fair Trial

Originally Published: January 17, 2012

In international poetry news, we've got this to share from SLAG -- Surrealist London Action Group: Thirty-one-year-old Colombian poet and journalist Angye Gaona has been formally charged with "rebellion" and drug trafficking, after being imprisoned in January of last year and later released due to international pressure. Gaona now faces up to 20 years in jail; the trial is due to start January 23. SLAG writes:

In press articles and interviews Angye has passionately defended the cause of indigenous people (many of whom are being killed by paramilitary gangs on the orders of land developers – Angye has called this "genocide"), trade unionists and the working class (who are constantly being repressed by government-backed industrialists). She has also called the current Colombian government "a terrorist government". For these reasons she is considered a nuisance by the ultra-conservative government.

Angye was arrested in January last year on her way back to Colombia from a trip to Venezuela. At that point she was imprisoned without charge, but was later released following international pressure. After her release she was formally charged with drug trafficking. Once that charge was underway she was then also charged with "rebellion"; the prior charge of drug trafficking meant that she could not at that point apply to any foreign embassies for political asylum . Hence she had no choice but to face trial in Colombia. She is currently under house arrest in the single room she shares with her six-year-old daughter.

Her trial may have a very serious outcome if nothing is done. Colombia is known for its political trials. At the moment some 7,000 political prisoners are serving long sentences in terrible and overcrowded prisons. It is necessary therefore to make it clear to Colombia's judiciary that Angye's case is being closely followed worldwide.

To this end, Angye's friends and supporters are being asked to write to the examining judge in her case to request a fair trial.

Pravda.ru adds:

Angye is a creative and socially committed woman, always active in the development of culture, part of the organizing committee called the International Poetry Festival of Medellin, the quality of work and dreams testifies to a tie between peoples. Urging an international movement for liberation and for reporting that the Colombian state prisons hold more than 7,500 people for the "crime of opinion" in other words, thought crimes: there is a real dictatorship in disguise.

A form letter and campaign address can be found here. And more information about this case is available in French, Portuguese and Spanish.