Poetry News

At HTMLGIANT: Vincent Gallo Slightly on Writing

Originally Published: May 31, 2012

HTMLGIANT gives us "Vincent Gallo on Writing," in case you were feeling some sort of thorny lack in your side. An excerpt:

I’m sorry I’m not gay or Jewish, so I don’t have a special interest group of journalists that support me.

I constantly try to reinvent my sensibilities and my ideas. I enjoy some of the satisfaction that I get when I feel good about what I’ve done. But the process is quite lonely and quite painful.

I never apologized for anything in my life. The only thing I’m sorry about is putting a curse on Roger Ebert’s colon. If a fat pig like Roger Ebert doesn’t like my movie, then I’m sorry for him.

I stopped painting in 1990 at the peak of my success just to deny people my beautiful paintings. And I did it out of spite.

I`m the happiest the saddest guy in the world can be.

I told you, I`m an extremist. Even in art, if my work wasn`t 50 times more interesting than me and my petty life, it would be useless.

I do it for the money now. What gets you there maybe are simple things: survival, ego, and revenge.

Tarantino is a collage artist.

Hey Paula (critic) go ahead and write whatever it is you want, because you’re next in line for a curse.

One has to be slightly unpopular to have a profound vision.