Poetry News

Poets Answering Questions in Celebration of Proust's Birthday

Originally Published: July 11, 2012

Check this out over at Danniel Schoonebeek's tumblr. Five poets answer five questions of their choice from Proust's Questionnaire.

Here are Allyson Paty's answers. Make the jump to read the others.

Allyson Paty, author of The Further Away:

The gift of nature I would like to have: Discipline.

How I want to die: Suddenly, but not soon.

Faults for which I have the most indulgence: My impulse is to say the faults of the people I most love and admire, but it may be the exact opposite.

What is your present state of mind: Distracted!

My motto: Sanity is the most profound moral option of our time.