Poetry News

Watch a Live Stream of Mark Doty Reading from His Meditations of Whitman. And His Poems, Of Course

Originally Published: July 20, 2012

The folks at the San Francisco Zen Center City Center are at it again with another great event available to those in the Bay area. And everyone else! This Saturday they present GLOW AT THE EXTREMEST VERGE: AN EVENING WITH MARK DOTY.

From their press release:

In celebrating our five decades of cultural and spiritual engagement, we are pleased to present acclaimed poet and memoirist Mark Doty.

Patricia Hampl, in Commonweal, writes that Doty is “poised on exact perception. When he sees the ocean–the salt spray hits you.”

Mark will read from his “big, risky, fearless poems” and discuss and read selections from What is the Grass, his forthcoming book-length prose meditation on Walt Whitman, desire, the ecstatic, and the limits of the body.

The reading will be availale via LIVESTREAM. Here's the link. The reading is this Saturday, the 21st, at 7:30 PST. If you happen to be in the area and need the address it is San Francisco Zen Center City Center, 
300 Page Street, San Francisco. Enjoy!