Asemic Writing Gallery on Bright Stupid Confetti
We're fans of Bright Stupid Confetti, the online gallery curated by Christopher Higgs which features, according to the website "an assemblage of appropriated contemporary art, music, fashion, literature, and film. It also features short essays on contemporary artists by contemporary authors." Last month, we wrote about a Kate Durbin project featured on the website. This month, we're excited about a gallery of international asemic writing guest-curated by Michael Jacobson.
Jacobson, whose work was included in The Last Vispo Anthology, regularly features asemic writing on his blog, The New Post-Literate. But it's a pleasure to see another site supporting similar work. We're not entirely certain about the differences between asemic writing and visual poetry, but we sense that asemic writing might be an even broader, more transdisciplinary genre. Whatever it is, we're especially drawn to the grainy, textured letterforms of Finnish poet Satu Kaiikkonen. You can view her work and many other pieces in the complete gallery.
For those of you interested in learning more about asemic writing, Jacobson's Amazon reading list is a good place to start--and it includes some of our old favorites including Xu Bing's Words Without Meaning, Meaning Without Words as well as Henri Michaux' Stroke by Stroke.