Poetry News

On Grammar

Originally Published: June 17, 2013

Sherman Alexie's tweet "Grammar cops are rarely good writers. Imagination always disobeys." has generated a slew of responses across the twitter-universe. Mediabistro's GalleyCat rounds up a few of their fave responses (in the hundreds!) to Alexie's anti-grammar quip.

John Scalzi (@scalzi)
@Sherman_Alexie Grammar cops are annoying, but Grammar private investigators? Kind of cool.

Gene Weingarten (@geneweingarten)
"Police" not "cops." @sherman_alexie Grammar cops are rarely good writers. Imagination always disobeys.

Charlie Miller (@cjjmiller)
@scalzi @Sherman_Alexie Grammar rules can only be broken in a way that serves the story if the author first knows where/what they all are.

Charlie Miller (@cjjmiller)
@scalzi @Sherman_Alexie Otherwise, they're just flailing about and don't communicate well.

Zach Sherman (@EngTeachProbs)
@Sherman_Alexie Agreed. mostly. But some students need internalized structure (if not intensive grammar) before they can disobey correctly.

Benjamin Isip (@BenIsip)
@scalzi @Sherman_Alexie the grammar TSA?

Xopher Halftongue (@Halftongue)
@Hal_Duncan @scalzi @Sherman_Alexie "But use 'martial' as a verb and I will HUNT. YOU. DOWN."

Xopher Halftongue (@Halftongue)
@Hal_Duncan @scalzi @Sherman_Alexie "And I'm way too old to give a damn if a preposition is what you decide to end a sentence with."

Xopher Halftongue (@Halftongue)
@Hal_Duncan @scalzi @Sherman_Alexie "I don't take split infinitive cases, hear? Split all the infinitives you want."

Pierce Apposite (@PointedApt)
"@Halftongue: @Hal_Duncan @scalzi @Sherman_Alexie "I don't take split infinitive cases, hear? Split all the infinitives you want.""

Ron Hogan (@RonHogan)
@scalzi @Sherman_Alexie Best iteration of "Eats, Shoots, & Leaves" ever.

What's your weigh-in? Does concern for grammar make for a boring writer?