HuffPo Presents Eight Emerging Poets and Fiction Writers
Just in case you haven't yet found your way over to the Huffington Post to discover 8 fantastic emerging poets and fiction writers, take a moment out of your Friday and do so! Anis Shivani presents this motley bunch:
These eight poets and fiction writers have all been making waves lately; they represent some of the best in indie publishing, the cutting-edge of today's literary world. I hope you enjoy listening to their readings, and will share your comments about their work!
The HuffPo post includes: Wendy Chin-Tanner, Melissa Broder, Garry Craig Powell, Tyler Mills, Justin Sirois, Jenna Le, Shadab Zeest Hashmi, and David Rigsbee. We'll give you a preview with Tyler Mills reading "Cyclops," about which she writes:
Tongue Lyre explores Ovid's myth of Philomela, the woman transformed into a bird after her rapist cut her tongue out so she could not speak about his crime. It also explores Homeric epic. This collection is a book-length sequence, which means that the poems interlock and reference each other. When I was writing them, I was deeply invested in "irresolution," or poems that might reach their end without issuing a final statement about their emotional arc. I was hoping that this would be suggestive of trauma, and also how memory can be recursive and even unstable...