Poetry News

Sandra Cisneros on the Writer's Life: 'It broke up many relationships. Was it worth it? Yes.'

Originally Published: November 02, 2015

Sandra Cisneros is on PBS NewsHour! Cisneros sat down with Jeffrey Brown at the Mexican Cultural Institute in Washington to discuss her new book of essays, A House of My Own: Stories From My Life, "her life as a writer and her journey to find home."

SANDRA CISNEROS: ...And people think that “House [on Mango Street]” was an overnight success, but that night was a 10-year night.

JEFFREY BROWN: And along the way?

SANDRA CISNEROS: A lot of doubts, a lot of sadnesses, because I didn’t have things that other people had. I didn’t have the car or the health insurance or the house that other people had. There was a lot of doubts of whether I was making the right choices.

I didn’t marry. I didn’t have children. I followed the food supply for jobs. I kept writing at night. And that kept me moving. It kept my life disruptive. It broke up many relationships. Was it worth it? Yes.


JEFFREY BROWN: Well, I mean, that’s actually what — that’s the totality of your documents, the life of a writer or the writer that you became.

SANDRA CISNEROS: Well, I didn’t intend to be writing — the writer’s life. I was just writing what came to me at the time, but it is a map of how this writer had to break many barriers to find, not a room of her own, but a house of her own.

JEFFREY BROWN: And where did that ambition come from, to make a life as a writer?

SANDRA CISNEROS: You know, I think I didn’t know what I was creating, as much as I knew what I didn’t want to do. And I didn’t want my mother’s life. She was an unhappy, frustrated artist who always dreamed of a life that was never going to be hers.

I didn’t want to be married with seven kids and wish, oh, if only I had done this. I didn’t want that. So, my dream was to mother a book. That was first and foremost since I was 11 years old. And I just didn’t know how to do that, because no one in my family had any connections or a clue of how to do that, so I just kind of fumbled my way through it.

JEFFREY BROWN: And now you are in Mexico.

SANDRA CISNEROS: Yes, I’m living the writer’s life.

JEFFREY BROWN: Crossing the border, living a writer’s life in Mexico, but crossing the border back.


Watch the video below, and read the full transcript here.