Poetry News

New to the Archive

Originally Published: February 29, 2016

Far more than a quirk of the Gregorian calendar, Leap Day has the potential to disrupt our lives worse more than a thousand Mercurys at their retrogradiest. That is, at least, our expert extrapolation of the forgotten final lines of the Mother Goose poem we once had to use to remember how many days were in a particular month. The only known remedy? Reading poems that were recently added to our online archive.

As of tomorrow, Uche Nduka will be our featured blogger at Harriet, so why not start with three poems from his book eel on reef? Let's continue with the water theme and check out some poems from Yusef Komunyakaa's latest book, The Emperor of Water Clocks. We added five poems from that collection, including "Rock Me, Mercury" and "Ghazal, After Ferguson."

Let's dry off by A Lucent Fire: New and Selected Poems by Patricia Spears Jones. We added four poems from this major publication, all of which can be found here. If you're looking for a place to start, we suggest "What Beauty Does." Warmth from a fire might be one of the only things missing from Ross Gay's "Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude," but it's certainly worth reading through. That titular poem, along with "Wedding Poem" and "Ending the Estrangement," were recently added from his latest book.

For a welcome end to these tedious segues, "Indigenous Elvis at the Airport" is a poem you should read about Indigenous Elvis working at an airport. It's by Heid E. Erdrich and so are all of these poems, which we recently added from her various books. We've also added swaths of poems by Major Jackson, Joyce Carol Oates, Francine Sterle, and Cate Marvin.

Finally, we have two poems by Stephanie Gray, one called "Stuff I Probably Did and Didn't," which recounts stuff the narrator did and didn't, and another called "Somebody Said the Riff Sounded Like Metal," which is, largely, about someone saying the riff sounded like metal.  Both poems are highly recommended.