The Operating System Announces 2019 'Cohort'
The small press The Operating System has announced a new way of forming its catalog, by announcing a "cohort" of sorts: "This group has joined the OS community not only as authors, but as members — not only willing but eager to participate in the next stage of evolution of this organization as a cooperative, decentralized experiment," writes EIC and founder Lynne DeSilva-Johnson. The OS mission, or its "two other deep running, central foci," is also presented here: "the prevalance within this catalog of disability, neurodivergence, trauma, mental and chronic illness, and a consistent commitment to formal challenge, interdisciplinarity, hybridity, and experimentation. In more ways than may be visible from the surface, each one of these titles queers the normative, diverges and troubles the expected — and invites us to evolve, alongside." The authors and publications included in this evolution are:
Lori Anderson Moseman, Y
D. Allen, A Bony Framework for the Tangible Universe __*KIN(D)
James Brunton, Opera on TV __*KIN(D)
Bijan Elahi, High Tide of the Eyes (Farsi-English dual language, trans. Rebecca Ruth Gould & Kayvan Tahmasebian) __*Unsilenced Texts
Berry Grass, Hall of Waters __*KIN(D)
Richard Lucyshyn, I Made For You a New Machine and All it Does is Hope
Marthe Reed, Ark Hive
Heidi Reszies, Illusory Borders
Hélène Sanguinetti, Alparegho, Pareil-à-rien / Alparegho, like nothing else (French-English dual language, trans. Ann Cefola) __*Unsilenced Texts
Adrian Silbernagel, Transitional Object __*KIN(D)
Orchid Tierney, A Year of Misreading the Wildcats
Marta Zelwan, Śnienie / Dreaming (Polish-English dual-language, trans. Victoria Miluch) __*Unsilenced Texts
We're very much looking forward to all of it! Read more about the OS and their happenings right here.