Poetry News

Materials Brings Out Long-Awaited First Collection From New Narrative Writer Gabrielle Daniels

Originally Published: December 30, 2020

We can't end 2020 without a note about a November publication by the under-recognized New Narrative writer Gabrielle Daniels, whose work "spans essays, fiction, poetry and novels," as publisher David Grundy notes, and appeared in the groundbreaking anthology, This Bridge Called My Back. This new book, Something Else Again: Poetry and Prose, 1975-2019 (Materials, 2020), is Daniels's "first full-length collection, [and] collects poems and prose from the 1970s to the present, including the complete text of Daniels’ now-impossibly rare chapbook A Movement in Eleven Days, a retrospective essay on New Narrative, and excerpts from her in-progress novel Sugar Wars." More:

From poems inspired by films, music, revolutionary figures, and recent political disasters, to prose pieces on neglected African-American women writers, and urban and wilderness environments, Daniels’ subject matter and media are vast. As Dodie Bellamy and Kevin Killian write in the anthology Writers Who Love Too Much
“Daniels’ talents spin in every conceivable direction. Her writing continues to investigate and illumine corners of the world often neglected by the white capitalistic structures of patriarchy that shapes our lives from birth to death. Daniels’ work reveals a history, a legacy, a plan of action for the future. These are stories and poems with the punch of a novel in miniature.”
More about this title and other Materials publications from Tongo Eisen-Martin and John DeWitt are at Grundy's blog, Streams of Expression