Poetry News

Santa Clara County Seeks Youth Poet Laureate

Originally Published: December 31, 2020

At San José Spotlight, Madelyn Reese tells readers about Santa Clara County's first-ever search for a youth poet laureate. Reese writes: "The idea by Santa Clara County’s own poet laureate Janice Lobo Sapigao is to select a candidate to 'represent and elevate youth voices from all over the county,' according to the program description." More: 

Candidates must be 13 to 18 years old, live in Santa Clara County and can’t be enrolled in college throughout the term, which spans for one year starting in June. Citizenship is not required.

“My goal as poet laureate was not only to start this program,” Sapigao said. “I want this program to continue past my tenure and I hope that someone will take it on and people will decide it’s necessary for the county.”

Sapigao said the program is important because society needs to do more to amplify youth voices.

“We live in an anti-youth society,” Sapigao said. “They’re told their voice will be heard only when they turn 18 and can vote.”

Furthermore, Sapigao said, youth are economically disempowered because they can’t work until their later teens.

“There’s a sense that adults and politicians and rich people think youth will not take care of them when, in fact, it’s often the adults that don’t take care of the young people,” said Sapigao.

Poetry often can serve as an entryway to get young people involved politically and within their communities, she said. It also gives them a sense of agency that’s otherwise hard to come by. Sapigao will mentor the chosen youth poet throughout the tenure, providing support and instruction.

Continue reading at San José Spotlight.