Dominations: Rational, Romantic, Ironic

By Philip Murray

The School for Wives, by Molière (Tr. by Richard Wilbur)

By Philip Murray

The Collected Poetry of Aldous Huxley (Ed. by Donald Watt)

By Philip Murray

Edwin Arlington Robinson, by Yvor Winters

By Philip Murray


Messages, by Sidney Goldfarb

Upstate, by Dugan Gilman

Heaved from the Earth, by Besmilr Brigham

Power Politics, by Margaret Atwood

The Tattooed Desert, by Richard Shelton

Pili's Wall, by Philip Levine

Homespun of Oatmeal Gray, by Paul Goodman

To the End of West, by Henry Chapin

Dominations: Rational, Romantic, Ironic

JSTOR and the Poetry Foundation are collaborating to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Poetry.

Source: Poetry (July 1972)

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