
By Charles Berger

Hybrids of Plants and of Ghosts, by Jorie Graham

By Charles Berger

Movable Islands, by Debora Greger

By Charles Berger

Folly River, by Wendy Salinger

By Charles Berger

Silks, by Roberta Spear

By Charles Berger

Shooting Rats at the Bibb County Dump, by David Bottoms

By Charles Berger

One Way to Reconstruct the Scene, by William Virgil Davis

By Charles Berger

Natural Histories, by Leslie Ullman

By Charles Berger

Walking Four Ways in the Wind, by John Allman

By Charles Berger

Denizens, by Ronald Perry

By Charles Berger

Quarterly Review of Literature Poetry Series (Ed. by T. and R. Weiss) [Ann Hébert]

By Charles Berger

Wonders, by Karen Snow

By Charles Berger


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Source: Poetry (April 1982)

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