Letter from Poetry Magazine

Letter to the Editor

Originally Published: May 02, 2011

Dear Editor,

I teach Old Testament to sophomores at Fordham University. One of the points I try to make is that irrespective of one’s religious views, one cannot be an educated person without familiarity with these ancient texts. They are woven through the fabric of our culture.  As we study the Old Testament, I try to support my position with examples from film, art, and literature. Rarely do I have examples as timely as Paul Hoover’s poems in your March issue. In fact, I have just revised my Hosea assignment to include “The Watchman of Ephraim.” As helpful as that poem is, Hoover’s Ezekiel poem, with its blend of ancient subject and modern references, will be even more so. My thanks to Poetry and of course to Mr. Hoover.