In the North


The Voice, the Poet, and the Poem

By Don Geiger

R. P. Blackmur Reads His Works

By Don Geiger

John Hollander Reads His Works

By Don Geiger

Vernon Watkins Reads His Works

By Don Geiger

Stephen Vincent Benét and Edwin Muir [Recording]

By Don Geiger

John Peale Bishop and Maxwell Bodenheim [Recording]

By Don Geiger

Robert Hillyer and John Hall Wheelock [Recording]

By Don Geiger

I. A. Richards and Oscar Williams [Recording]

By Don Geiger

John Ciardi and W. D. Snodgrass [Recording]

By Don Geiger

In the North

JSTOR and the Poetry Foundation are collaborating to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Poetry.

Source: Poetry (January 1963)

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