Planet News, by Allen Ginsberg

Selected Poems, by Paavo Haavikko (Ed. and tr. by Anselm Hollo)

The Man in the Treetop Hat, by Anselm Hollo

Haiku, by John Esam, Tom Raworth, and Anselm Hollo

Surreal Songs, by John Judson

Urban Poetry, by Alfeo Marzi

So Many Rooms Has a House But One Roof, by Margaret Randall

Blue House: Poems in the Chinese Manner, by Jim Chapson, James Liddy, and Thomas Hill

X-ing Warm, by Ronald H. Bayes

Rothschild's Lapwing, by John Temple

The breath of once/Live Things/In the field with Poe, by Larry Eigner

Poems 1964-67, by Jerome Rothenberg

In. On. Or About the Premises, by Paul Blackburn

Salt & Core, by Rochelle Owens

Fourteen Books

Planet News, by Allen Ginsberg

JSTOR and the Poetry Foundation are collaborating to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Poetry.

Source: Poetry (July 1969)

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