Determined Forms

The Western Approaches: Poems 1973- 75, by Howard Nemerov

Collected Poems, by Edwin Denby

Collected Poems, by George Oppen

I Remember, by Joe Brainard

Waving and Drowning

By David Bromwich

45 Mercy Street, by Anne Sexton (Ed. by Linda Gray Sexton)

By David Bromwich

Absence of Unicorns, Presence of Lions, by Michael Mott

By David Bromwich

Olson's Penny Arcade, by Elder Olson

By David Bromwich

Collected Poems, by Stevie Smith

By David Bromwich

Determined Forms

JSTOR and the Poetry Foundation are collaborating to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Poetry.

Source: Poetry (December 1976)

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