A Dream of Lilies, by Joan Finnigan

A Canadian Chronicle

Birth of a Shark, by David Wevill

A Point of Sky, by John Glassco

The Colour of the Times, by Raymond Souster

Selected Poems, by Alain Grandbois

Moving in Alone, by John Newlove

Two Longer Poems: The Seasons of Miss Nicky, by Harry Howith, and Louis Riel, by William Hawkins

White Lunch, by Gerry Gilbert

Elephants, Mothers & Others, by John Newlove

Kyoto Airs, by Roy Kiyooka

City of the Gulls and Sea, by Frank Davey

A Dream of Lilies, by Joan Finnigan

JSTOR and the Poetry Foundation are collaborating to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Poetry.

Source: Poetry (April 1966)

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