Twelve from Small Presses

The Penalty of Adam, by Frederick Staver

Stills & Movies, by Ralph Pomeroy

Populations of the Heart, by Walter H. Kerr

Nymph in Thy Orisons, by Wrenne Jarman

Romances, by Rooan Hurkey

One Thousand Fearful Words for Fidel Castro, by Lawrence Ferlinghetti

The Newly Fallen, by Edward Dorn

A Canzoniere, by Richard Hartley Chase

Mountain, Fire, Thornbush, by Harvey Shapiro

Wild Lace, by Natalie S. Robins

Early Rain, by Bert Meyers

The Gathering Wave, by Alvaro Cardona-Hine

Twelve from Small Presses

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Source: Poetry (February 1962)

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