Trial and Error

By Jascha Kessler

Directionscore: Selected and New Poems, by Don L. Lee

By Jascha Kessler

Something Human, by Barry Spacks

By Jascha Kessler

No Jerusalem But This, by Samuel Menashe

By Jascha Kessler

Time's Web, by Ruth Moore

By Jascha Kessler

Wrecking Crew, by Larry Levis

By Jascha Kessler

The Rough-Hewn Table, by Henry Carlile

By Jascha Kessler

I Am the Bitter Name, by C. K. Williams

By Jascha Kessler

Some Changes, by June Jordan

By Jascha Kessler

Trial and Error

JSTOR and the Poetry Foundation are collaborating to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Poetry.

Source: Poetry (February 1973)

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