Religious Poetry

By Jerome J. McGann

The Christian Tradition in Modern British Verse Drama, by William V. Spanos

By Jerome J. McGann

Christopher Smart, Scholar of the University, by Arthur Sherbo

By Jerome J. McGann

Contexts of Dryden's Thought, by Phillip Harth

By Jerome J. McGann

George Herbert's Lyrics, by Arnold Stein

By Jerome J. McGann

Religious Trends in English Poetry: VI (1920-1965), by Hoxie N. Fairchild

By Jerome J. McGann

The Living Milton (Ed. by Frank Kermode)

By Jerome J. McGann

English Religious Lyric in the Middle Ages, by Rosemary Woolf

By Jerome J. McGann

Religious Poetry

JSTOR and the Poetry Foundation are collaborating to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Poetry.

Source: Poetry (December 1969)

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