Five Poets and the Public Speech Tradition

By E. L. Mayo

Whitman: Explorations in Form, by Howard J. Waskow

By E. L. Mayo

James Russell Lowell, by Martin Duberman

By E. L. Mayo

The Unknown Edwin Markham, by Louis Filler

By E. L. Mayo

The Stone Mason of Tor House: The Life and Times of Robinson Jeffers, by Melba Berry Bennett

By E. L. Mayo

German Chronicle

Contemporary German Poetry, An Anthology (Tr. and ed. by Gertrude Clorius Schwebell) [Gottfried Benn]

Selected Poems, by Gnter Grass (Tr. by Michael Hamburger and Christopher Middleton)

Manual of Piety (Die Hauspostille), by Bertolt Brecht (Tr. by Eric Bentley)

Five Poets and the Public Speech Tradition

JSTOR and the Poetry Foundation are collaborating to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Poetry.

Source: Poetry (February 1968)

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